Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Numbers 15 & Mark 6 -Today's Kindling

Begin your study with prayer for the Lord to open your eyes to see who He is more clearly and how to respond to Him more deeply in heart affections and horizontal, radical love toward others.

Numbers 15 Summary
New Regulations for Grain & Drink Offerings, Method of Forgiveness for Ignorant Sin and Method of Life-long Punishment for Willful Sin, The Instruction and Significance to God for the Children of Israel to Always Wear Specifically Designed Tassels on the End of Their Garments

Mark 5 Summary
Jesus Receives No Honor in His Home Town, The Twelve Are Sent Out, Herod Is Seduced Sexually Results in An Action He Regrettably Must Fulfill to Behead John the Baptist, Jesus Prescribes Rest to His Twelve After Demanding Ministry, Five Thousand Are Fed  Out of Jesus Compassion to Meet Practical Needs, Jesus Walks on Water Scaring the Disciples.

Numbers 15
Mark 6


"I Didn't Know" Is Sin - vs 22-24  
God still required an offering for forgiveness.  God did not want them to take lightly ignorance to the law.  He wanted them to remain aware of the law that set them apart from the rest of the world for His own possession.  But He made a provision for forgiveness of ignorant disobedience.

But "I Did Know & Did It Anyway" Is Gone- vs 30
NASB translates this sin "defiant sin".  Wow!  Put out for good for doing wrong when you know it is wrong.  I know we often look down on Israel for rejecting the Lord so many times, but we must say that the fact that more of them did not get removed for sinning willfully show that they must have had diligence in their obedience.  Obedience to the law set them apart for God's laws were very different from the laws of other nations. The children of God are a peculiar people for God's own possession and look so when we obey His Word, but His law is all good, we are the ones who make obedience a chore verses a privilege. 

An Illustration of Willful Sin - God Is Serious
A man was picking up sticks on the Sabbath and God commanded him stoned by all!  The fact that more of them were not killed because of willful sin on the Sabbath reveals they had a serious diligence in their obedience to God.  We tend to take lightly the principle of Sabbath rest, but it is for our good and God's glory He gives us commands. May we, the 21st century New Covenant followers of Christ who have the Spirit, yield even greater obedience to Him.

End with Prayers of:
  • Adoration - Praise Him and Boast in Him for who He is in today's reading.
  • Thanksgiving - Offer humble gratitude for big and small blessings in your life - at least 3 new things
  • Confession - Admit to the Lord areas you have resisted him or grieved him privately or in relationship.
  • Petition - Ask him for specific help for the many needs of others and you - that you may have power to do His will and see it today.

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