Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Numbers 3,4 - Today's Kindling

Begin your study with prayer for the Lord to open your eyes to see who He is more clearly and how to respond to Him more deeply in heart affections and horizontal, radical love toward others.

Numbers 3 Summary
God reaffirms Aaron and sons and priests and sets apart the Levites to assist and care for the tabernacle with specific responsibilities.  The Levites take the place of the first born of Israel due the Lord.

Numbers 4 Summary
Three final clans of the Levites are given special instructions in their responsibilities in the tabernacle.  One of which was given a stern warning to not even look at the most sacred objects uncovered or they would die.

Numbers 3
Numbers 4
(No New Testament Reading Today)


At the beginning of entering the promised land the Lord reaffirms the calling of Aaron and His sons to serve as priests.  But in so doing He begins with reminding them that only two of the four sons of Aaron remain because of the severity of the Lord's judgment against two for "offering strange fire to the Lord"; this revealed a lack of careful humility and reverence in following the Lord's directions. We too need such reminders of God's past severity in our lives to remind us as His children through Christ that He will lovingly discipline us because He loves us and He loves His holiness. This was written to cause a proper fear to occur in the heart of Israel so to keep them safe in humble obedience. Can you recall one or more such stories in your life to help you do the same? 

GOD GIVES THE LEVITES AN AMAZING STEWARDSHIP -  Numbers 3:6-8; 25-26, 28,31; 36-37
God required the first born from each household to be fully dedicated for His sacred use. Yet, He calls the Levites to take the place for each of the first born sons of Israel.  God sets the Levite apart to be His to work under Aaron and Aaron's two remaining sons in performing the sacred duties of the sanctuary and to care for the tabernacle.  God has the Levites numbered and organized into three groups giving specific responsibilities to each in detailed delegation; they would care for different aspects and materials that made up the holy tabernacle. What a trust was placed in their hands. Oh let us realize we have an even greater stewardship as each one of us are priests of the new covenant through Christ. Give us grace, Oh Lord, to be faithful and walk worthy of such a high calling.


Our sin requires payment because God is just. Our payment for sin can be substituted - paid by another. Here we see that principles of substitute payment. The Levites were substituted for the first-born, but because there were more first born than Levites than first born, the difference was made up in silver payment.  Christ's death was our substitute payment in full.


They did "just as the Lord had commanded". God is God and we are not. He knows best, He loves most, He is bigger than us - what more do we need to know about Him to follow his commands? Let us do His will today.

DO NOT EVEN LOOK OR YOU DIE! - Number 4:17, 20

This Kohathite clan was given such a sacred duty that if they even looked at the most sacred objects uncovered they would die! They would have to be very careful to not violate this especially since they would be carrying them personally for a long distance each time the tabernacle was picked up and moved to the next battle.  This all seems a bit overkill for our 21st century view of God, but let us remember that God is jealous to be hallowed on earth and through Christ He will fully accomplish that in us - for we are His children through Christ who have the indwelling Spirit of God giving us increased comprehension of the glory of our God.  Note the responsibility earlier in verse 17 that God gives to Moses and Aaron to make sure they don't allow this looking to occur.  We have a responsibility to help our fellow brothers and sisters revere the Lord.  It is a loving thing to speak to one another of the glory due His name.

End with Prayers of:
Adoration - Praise Him and Boast in Him for who He is in today's reading.
Thanksgiving - Offer humble gratitude for big and small blessings in your life - at least 3 new things
Confession - Admit to the Lord areas you have resisted him or grieved him privately or in relationship.
Petition - Ask him for specific help for the many needs of others and you - that you may have power to do His will and see it today.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Numbers 1,2 and Mark 3 - Today's Kindling

(This is the same as Saturday's daily worship-word reading because that was an example.  Today is the actual start date.  You will receive these Monday through Friday.  If you sign up at the top right of this page by entering your email you will receive these via your email inbox.  May God grow us in worship today .)

Begin your study with prayer for the Lord to open your eyes to see who He is more clearly and how to respond to Him more deeply in heart affections and horizontal, radical love toward others.

Numbers 1,2 Summary
God instructs Isreal in preparing to conquer the long-awaited promised land with the tabernacle being central to the plan.

Mark 3 Summary
Jesus is shown as Lord of Sabbath, Lord over demons, and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is explained

Numbers 1
Numbers 2
Mark 3

THE LORD IS HOLY - Numbers 1:51
The Lord was to be regarded as holy. Such a severe response to us, no doubt. But this reveals to us the great chasm that exists between God's glory and expectations and our sinfulness and due condemnation. Were it not for grace we would be burning in the lake of wrath for our smallest infraction of compliance.

We also stand guard over our children and fellow brothers and sisters, to a degree, to keep them from provoking the Lord to anger. We seek to encourage reverence for Christ in attitude and behavior, and warn and guard against a cavalier atttiude toward the Holy God who has become our Father in Christ.

The Lord was the center of the community and the army. What a picture of how we as to live as we do battle in life and fulfill his will and follow his Word.

The tribe of Judah leading the way in the battle of the people of God going in to claim the promised land. Christ was from the tribe of Judah.

Jesus, the Living Word, was correcting their view on adding to the command to keep the Sabbath holy - they had hundreds of rules about how to keep the Sabbath perfectly. Jesus was also correcting the pride behind such rules that believed they could by the law and their rules gain access and favor with God.

What power a person had when he can have such fear arise in such powerful beings as demons.

This unpardonable sin is the sin of not believing that Jesus is God but rather believing the Spirit of Jesus was actually the Spirit of the Devil.

End with Prayers of: (You are encouraged to write  or type these prayers out, if possible)
Adoration - Praise Him and Boast in Him for who He is in today's reading.
Thanksgiving - Offer humble gratitude for big and small blessings in your life - at least 3 new things
Confession - Admit to the Lord areas you have resisted him or grieved him privately or in relationship.
Petition - Ask him for specific help for the many needs of others and you - that you may have power to do His will and see it today.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Purpose of the Daily Worship-Word Readings

What to Expect If You Sign Up & Follow This Blog 
For some time I have considered the need to help those I am counseling and training by creating a daily Bible reading devotion with some added personal notes that they could use to help supplement my counseling and training.  So after much consideration I want to invite you to a 5 day a week devotion I am creating at this blog.  It is unique in the following ways: 
  1. Read through the Bible in three years one book at a time, alternating between an Old Testament and New Testament Reading (15-20 minutes).
  2. My personal notes are added on selected verses as well a summary on today's reading so that as you read you can better focus your attention and gain more Spirit-given, life-changing insights.
  3. The notes are focused specifically on helping you grow in the worship of God. Many times our orientation to the reading and study of Scripture is for secondary purposes that never get us to the primary purpose of worship.  These notes will seek to help you see the glory of God more clearly in the Scripture and motivate you to affection for Christ leading to practical love for others.
  4. You will be able to see other’s comments who are going through the readings, as well as share comments as to how the Lord is using the Daily Word-Worship Readings in your life.

If this is something that will help you as we seek to see the Lord continue to transform your heart and use your life for His glory, please check out the new blog below, sign up and let others know.  

Your brother in Christ,
Tim Bryant