Begin your study with prayer for the Lord to open your eyes to see who He is more clearly and how to respond to Him more deeply in heart affections and horizontal, radical love toward others.
Numbers 16 Summary
Proud Beliefs in Korah Caused Ingratitude, Greed, Rebellion, and Death
Numbers 16
Proud Beliefs in Korah Caused Ingratitude, Greed, Rebellion, and Death
Moses says "Is it not enough that the Lord has... " and then explains to these rebels how good God has been to choose them as Levites and yet now they want more - to exalt themselves as priests. Lack of gratitude in what the Lord has called us to be and do for His glory reveals existence of pride as we believe we are more significant and people should recognize us and promote us. Such proud ingratitude can turn to greed and results in rebellion.
Oh Christian, let it be enough that God has brought you near to Himself, fulfill the responsibilities God has assigned you today; stop thinking thee are such things in your service of Him that is "big or small"! Keep an awareness that you don't deserve such a high calling to serve Him - whether it's a calling to represent Him and serve Him as a mom or dad to those precious children, or an employee to that company, or a teacher, a friend, a caregiver, a son or daughter, etc.. Watch out for the natural tendency of our blind, proud heart to believe we deserve a better calling and should be given opportunity to "strut our stuff". No calling in life is low when the Lord has called us to serve Him in it.
For more, look up the following passages and write out how these verses instruct and motivate service to the big and small things and people of our life. Realizing in the end there are no little people or little places today as you serve the Lord: 1 Corinthians 10:31, Mathews 25:40, Col 3:18-4:1, Luke 17:7-10; Luke 12:37.
He is the one we serve as we serve in the seemingly little roles; He is the audience and He is our reward in the end. We must not, like Korah and the 250 prominent leaders of Israel, listen to such deceptive beliefs about ourselves that and our callings that stem from our flesh and blindness to His glory. How ugly it is to carry around proud beliefs that we are some how more significant than what we have been given to do by the Lord today. Such pride will rob us of the joy and exalted positions in serving the King and bring us low. As we read this story of Korah's rebellion, pride, ingratitude, and greed let it be a warning to deter us from those four foolish responses to such high callings today.
End with Prayers of:
- Adoration - Praise Him and Boast in Him for who He is in today's reading.
- Thanksgiving - Offer humble gratitude for big and small blessings in your life - at least 3 new things
- Confession - Admit to the Lord areas you have resisted him or grieved him privately or in relationship.
- Petition - Ask him for specific help for the many needs of others and you - that you may have power to do His will and see it today.