Thursday, March 1, 2012

Aaron’s Budding Rod Warns Rebels - Numbers 17

Begin your study with prayer for the Lord to open your eyes to see who He is more clearly and how to respond to Him more deeply in heart affections and horizontal, radical love toward others.

Numbers 17 Summary
The Lord confirms his choice of Aaron in order to end the murmuring against Moses by miraculously causing Aaron’s staff to bud, blossom, and produce ripe almonds in the presence of the twelve tribal leaders of Israel.

Numbers 17


The Forgiven Rebel Becomes a Warning Against Future Rebels
What a picture of the grace of God. Though there was such severity in how God dealt with Korah's rebellion, here stands Aaron and his rod budding to reveal God's gracious choosing of him. Remember just a few short chapters earlier Aaron had his own rebellious episode with his sister Miriam against Moses.  Indeed, God had dealt severely with them but had forgiven and restored Aaron. God was gracious to forgive and accept unworthy Aaron and Miriam.  Now, ironically, it was the forgiven rebel’s rod of Aaron that from this day forward would be a warning to not rebel against God's chosen leaders.  Verse 10 commands that Aaron's miraculously budding rod be placed before the tabernacle continually to warn further rebels, like Korah, from being so presumptuous.

End with Prayers of:
  • Adoration - Praise Him and Boast in Him for who He is in today's reading
  • Thanksgiving - Offer humble gratitude for big and small blessings in your life - at least 3 new things
  • Confession - Admit to the Lord areas you have resisted him or grieved him privately or in relationship
  • Petition - Ask him for specific help for the many needs of others and you - that you may have power to do His will and see it today

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